
Cafecito (Argentina)
Mercado Pago (Argentina)
Transfer (Argentina)
Pay Pal (Other countries)
Transfer (Chile)
Transfer (USA)

RETICULAR films has no grants nor supporting funds (so far). If any of these things inspire, touch, interest you, we invite you to consider the possibility of supporting us with money, materials, contacts, plane tickets, services, whatever you think could help these creative processes.

If it's inspiring for you, you may become a monthly donor and support RETICULAR project with a monthly collaboration. Also you can donate only for one single time.

To tranfer by MERCADO PAGO in Argentina:

To make a TRANSFER to an account in Argentina:

Banco en Argentina: Santander Rio
Cta. Caja de ahorro: 036-029003/4
Sucursal 367
CBU 0720036688000002900340
Alias: Jada.Sirkin

To make a TRANSFER to an account in Chile:

Cristobal David Burgos
Rut. 17.701.752-3
C Corriente BCI (Banco de Créditos e Inversiones)

To make a TRANSFER to an account in USA:

Titular: Alejandro Martín Sirkin
Número de ruta: 084009519
Número de cuenta: 9600000000623815
Tipo de cuenta: Corriente
Transfer Wise 19 W 24th Street New York NY 10010 United States

To DONATE via PayPal: