It shouldn’t hurt you

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It shouldn’t hurt you

Tato and Clara had planned a sexy night. The conversation took them elsewhere. What if we start saying what we don't like?

Running time: 23 min.
Language: Spanish
Subtitles: English (Activate it with button CC)
Recommended watching in HD

With: Lis Tejón, Edu Anderson, Mumi Rujana
Direction, production, editing: Jada Sirkin, Dama David Guión: Dama David, Jada Sirkin, Lis Tejón, Edu Anderson, Mumi Rujana
Camera: Jada Sirkin, Magalí Aldabe
Direct sound: José Ratti, Huber Cabello, Bayron Mendivelso
Art: Magalí Aldabe
Production assistance: Sharon Cohen Golrdfrid, Malena Morandini
Still photo: Malena Morandini
Light asistance: Toki Pfannkuche, Leonel Luciani
Sound post production: Zub sonido – Emiliano Biaiñ, Marcos Zoppi, Facundo de Vedia
Opening drawing and pictures: Cuno Sztark
Translation: Adrián Gleizer
Music: Mumi Rujana

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